Tuesday 14 August 2012

two weeks into the start...

......and all I have to show for it is some built 'Nids and some cool pics of the 10k Apocalypse game at GW HQ. Ok thats not too bad actually.

Now that everyone has posted on the tale I'm going to throw in a link on Facebook, so if your reading of this from Facebook "Welcome, play nice and remember there are children that read this ;-)
So far from my battleforce I've concentrated on the little bugs as I know for certain how they are equiped, know that they will take a while to build and can do this while watching the Olympics. Its been a busy time getting ready for Weekends away, learning how to dive and general life 'stuff' so ideally I would've loved to have some paint on these guys beyond an undercoat but no bother really.

Points learned so far

1. Termagants fit together ok as long as you check the main body for mould marks, some have a little ring that needs filing away or they don't fit flush.
2. They also have an awkward piece of plastic flash at the back of the head where they join, this takes longer to clean than the legs and forgotten too often.
3. Hormagaunts don't NEED pennies to stay up but probably will get them.
4. Mould line removal is still dull! lol.

Next update on the Tale will have some painted models and start on basing ideas.

Managed to have a cool weekend at Warhammer World with 5 friends and about 10k of models each side. Many pics were taken and have taken some of them on here. Rough sides were Eldar, Eldar and Guard vs Necron, Ork and Guard.

Some of the highlights were:

  • Necron Cryptek surviving being shot by a double turbo-laser
  • Eldar Jetbikes being redeployed by Eldrad so the Orks had nothing to do but run
  • 6 Fireprisms combining fire to have people look at the formation and say "they do what!?"
  • A Warlord Titan

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