Thursday 23 August 2012

The end is nigh...

Well it is for the first month...I don't think many of us will be collecting the points for painting. It seems that there isn't enough time!

I have to admit that I'm not a very good hobbyist. I can go weeks without playing, building or painting and then it'll be a feverish week where I want to get some troops painted. So I'm finding it tough to consistently do it week to week.  

I already have some Tau but the large majority isn't painted so that's my main focus.  I decided to go for an "easy" colour scheme by using a Tron-like idea.  Below are some pics of what I've accomplished so far.  

Fire Warriors and Kroot

Marker drones, Stealth suits, and Gun drones

Engines and bits of weaponry for Hammerhead / Sky Ray
This month's project is finishing this off!!!

Signing off for now
- Enza -

1 comment:

  1. Most hobbyists will have a large pile of models that they really think they should do!
    A week to fit in game and finish problems. Hehe
