Monday 26 November 2012

Philip's thoughts

Ok, taking time out not to pretend I'm speaking for Pedro for a bit and just focus on the task at hand - what is in the future for my Black Consuls?

One thing I learned from the recent tournament is that balance in the army is a vital thing - if I am to continue onto a 1500 to 2000 point army I'm definitrly going to have to add a few things

I'm actually very happy with the results on the first outing, in particular I like the Scouts and Tellion, being able to give the Heavy Bolter chap a ballastic skill of 6 or just have Tellion himself make a mess of things was good. Scouts obviously had their wobbly moments but on the whole I like that unit a lot. Kantor and the Sternguard are brutal when they want to be - the ability to change the type of ammo for the occasion is so worth it in a 10 man squad. Pedro is brilliant to have on the pitch, I'm keeping him, he is vital. Landspeeder did a good job of distracting enemies long enough - 70 points is not a bad loss when you can have the chance to melt and burn as much of you can before it buys the farm.

What I do need for a larger army is more long range heavy fire power, I'm happy with the range of most of my weapons but I think it is vital to have a few more really nasty guns to help shoot fliers and make a few dents in vehicles. It is vital I think to be able to scrape the hull points off of vehicles - if you keep at it you can make a mess of a lot of armies by stopping them in their tracks a bit by slowing down vehicles or blowing them and their contents up rather happily!

So, I think definitely a Devastator Squard is on the cards this month, I want a good unit that has some feriocious weapons that can pack a punch at the start of a battle.

I'm very used to fighty Eldar, Striking Scorpions are always going to be a favourite but I feel combat is on the back burner with the 6th Edition and I think it is time to get the guns out and hang back and blast away.

Dreadnaughts with large guns and drop pods are still a possibility - maybe even Terminators with Storm Shields and Thunder Hammers which are very difficult to kill - but I'm more attracted to units that can belt out a lot of long range nasty firepower at the moment and that is what I want to do for this next month of 40K Goodness!



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