So the rest of this will focus on my progress over the half year, what I have learned and what is next for the bugs.
So this was the battlefield for our last gaming weekend which saw the Black Consuls (pictured above) do battle with Chaos Daemons, in which we learned that Daemons can be a steamroller if played right against marines. We later learned that when the Daemons fight against my Tyranids some over aggressive deployment plus a lack of reserves in turn 2 can mean that a Daemon army is one model away from being dead and forfeiting at the end of turn 2. A good weekend of dice rolling was had.
So this is what I got painted of Hive Fleet Leviathan in 6 months. Only the Tyranid Prime and 10 Termagants are fully done but everything else has a good turn of colour that is most of the waay there. In addition there are 8 ymargls and 6 Shrikes that are waiting on conversion kits in order to be started.
Throughout this time I also painted my Imperial Fist Librarian, a Dakka Jet and 2 squads of Orks so overall I'm happy.
From an army building standpoint I went in want to use a new army and having had a few games with the selection I have there are a few key points I have learned.
- Practice with deployment and movement is going to be vital - As the army intentionally lacks guns I find that I am taking horrific casualties on the way to the fight. Time will tell if I need to use the army better to reach there with less loses or if adding in a bit more ranged bite is needed.
- Tyranid are stronger the more they outnumber the other guy - I like having Warriors and Raveners but I am learning that having more bodies seems to serve me very well and having 400 points in 2 units that can be battle/demolisher cannoned in a flash is a concern.
- Use the little guys as blockers - Termagants will rarely if ever kill anything. What they can do is get in the way and hold things up and this is a skill that I need to refine, especially as a way to combat flyers.
So the force will continue to grow with the additions mentioned above, a second batch of gargoyles and a nice big Trygon to round out 1500. I have had initial thoughts for the next 1000 points for July but I will wait to decide if this force will keep growing.
Thanks to all the fellow people on the Tale.....Happy hobby for 2013.
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