Hi All,
So the powers that be (we all know him as Wiggy) have
informed me that this is month six and therefor the final month of the tale. This
calls for one month of arghhhh I have done nothing and should probably go and
find a big paintbrush to deal with my green stuff infested plastic. A cunning
plan, provided by Professor Fox of Cunning who I think has been at Oxford for a
while now. We will call this update one of January, with a view of getting some
horsey thingy things and deadish guardsmen done – Don’t have a codex to hand so
these might not be how they are listed?
Plaguebearers attached below. Army list contains a unit of seven, so
apart from basing this would be my first completed unit. Also Tamiya clear red
is an excellent paint to glaze blood (has to have blood colour below first) and
mixed with some UHU glue equals stringy, gorey, bloody goodness.
Disgustingly fabulous as always. Wish I could paint half as good as that.