Monday, 7 January 2013

One final bug attack

So it will be all over after this month! Except everyone knows that a hobby project is never actually just waits for the next shiny toy to come along to re-energise it.

So this is the force as it it looks at the moment (around about 1000 points) This month there will be 6 Shrikes and some Ymargls added to the swarm that will make it closer to 1300 and then a Trygon and a few more Gargoyles will round out the first 1500.
I have learned to get the basecoating and first wash done quickly, regardless of the model but anything from Warrior size and up then takes a while to layer back on the smooth skin colours. The Carapace I've enjoyed doing and hope to get a fair few more done this month so the overall impact is there but I'm also pleased that I made a point of a lot of the basing getting done early as I'm rubbish at doing that last.
This week should see the swarm back in action against the Black Consul marines and before the month is out if I'm lucky they will get a munch on some Tau and some.....well I have no idea what my brother will have but there will be something.

I'll finish this group with some pretty pictures from the resident good photographer alongside some nice scenery (cheers bro-ski)

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Month Five

So the month of December is now over and so here is how everyone has got on against the categories set out

Played a game
Built months purchases
Painted unit 1
Painted unit 2
Base all purchases



Oddsock Keith




So after this it means the scores from the first five months are as follows

Philip - 0 Point                     9 Total

Wiggy - 3 Points                  16 Total

Oddsock Keith - 4 points      11 Total

Enza - 1 Point                     15 Total

So the month of December has come and gone and everyone is feeling full. It has been a mixed month for progress and we have a month to go.
Hopefully lots of updates and hobby joy to be done, happy new year and get those brushes going

Friday, 4 January 2013

A long way to go and a short time to get there

Hi All,

So the powers that be (we all know him as Wiggy) have informed me that this is month six and therefor the final month of the tale. This calls for one month of arghhhh I have done nothing and should probably go and find a big paintbrush to deal with my green stuff infested plastic. A cunning plan, provided by Professor Fox of Cunning who I think has been at Oxford for a while now. We will call this update one of January, with a view of getting some horsey thingy things and deadish guardsmen done – Don’t have a codex to hand so these might not be how they are listed?

Plaguebearers attached below. Army list contains a unit of seven, so apart from basing this would be my first completed unit. Also Tamiya clear red is an excellent paint to glaze blood (has to have blood colour below first) and mixed with some UHU glue equals stringy, gorey, bloody goodness.