Glowly goodness
Ok, so I have nearly finished the Hammerhead / Sky Ray...
Just got to decide if I want to base it and then decide on what I can paint fast before Friday so I can get the full two points for painting (even though it's over the monthly spend....apparently those are the rules!).
I spent a lot of time reading up how to do a glow effect and also speaking to the new manager in GW High Wycombe (hello Ben!). In the end, I decided to take the engines on the Hammerhead and paint several coats of Ceramite White. [See pic to the right].
Not a bad job really. It did take several coats but it does have fairly decent coverage. I then used two blobs of Ceramite White and one blob of Warpstone Glow - the colour which I used for the highlight detail on the rest of the Hammerhead. I then also added the Lahmian Medium. Not sure exactly what it does but Ben suggested it and said the 'Eavy Metal team uses bucket loads of it - couldn't hurt. I carefully painted this towards the middle, trying my best to still leave the deep recesses as white. I want the glow to come from the engine so that darker colours will be further out and the whitest colour in the furthest in. [see right]
With the next layer I added just a touch more Warpstone Glow with Lahmian Medium and then I tried to make sure I didn't hit the edges to the back and sides. I decided to do rectangles rather than circles like a traditional glow to try and keep the shape and glow natural.
The effect is what you see to the left. I have to say I am pretty pants at painting in neat lines...never was good at colouring in school either. It does bug me as I am a perfectionist, but hey ho....what am I going to do!
I realised that this was perhaps a bit too dark from the first coat, so I decided to add a teenie tiny blob of white and more of the Lahmian Medium. I then carefully repainted over the last coat plus a little bit more in-between the first colour and this last coat. I think it gives a better effect. [see right]
Then following as before I simply kept adding small blobs of Warpstone Glow and Lahmian Medium gradually making smaller and smaller rectangles on the engines.
When I got to this point, I realised that the Warpstone Glow wouldn't give me enough darkness to put as the final point. In all the glow effect bits and pieces, it usually says about using the smallest dab of white to really set it off. As I am painting it backwards (i.e. light to dark), I thought I best do a dark spot too. For this, I mixed a smidgen of Orkhide Shade and lots of Warpstone Glow with Lahmian Medium.
This led to the final glow seen right here.
For my final thing, I wanted to use my glaze as I did across the rest of the Hammerhead - Waywatcher Green. I think this is the final result. Think...because I have to ask the other gamers what they think.
Anyway, enough from me.
- Enza -
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