Officially now I get underway with my first army under 6th Edition 40k. Leading up to the Tale I was torn between Necrons, who I love the fluff changes to allow for more personality mixed with the facelessness of the masses and Tyranids who I have collected previously but know that they get very little love around my group and I always like the underdog.
The Tyranids won out in the end as I managed to work out a colour scheme that I both like and think I can do some good stuff with.
So for my first month purchases I had the simple choice of picking up the Battleforce in all its sprue-like glory.
Having looked through the codex lots and written a few lists I think that this force is going towards the hordes end of the Tyranid force, probably with a lot of 3 wound, mid-size bugs in too.
From the battleforce I have the following plans for the contents: -
Warriors - As I know that I'll be using lots of these, the first 3 are a test for those to follow. I need to decide if I'm staying very cheap with rending claws or going for more punch and taking the boneswords option to scare the 2+ save brigade. I'm also thinking of magnetizing some of the options in the army and this seems like a good candidate.
Just need more rending claws.
Genestealers - I currently plan on taking some Ymargls but not standard 'stealers and think i will pick up some non-GW squid heads to keep the feeder tendril look to the squad.
Termagants - Fleshborer's are the order of the day for these little dudes. A Tervigon will make an appearance at some point so I know I will get lots of practice doing 'gants for spawning.
Hormagaunts - Need some pennies to weight the bases from previous experience. Will almost certainly take one of the biomorph upgrades for furious or poison so they can go onto the models. Currently thinking it will be poison for these guys and adrenal when i get to Gargoyles.
Rippers - I've never liked rippers so these will stay in the box, maybe some on bases and get used for randomness.
Hoping to work more to just building the hobby rather than aiming for particular points values for this force.
Also thinking that I might do some old school Ncromunda scenarios for letting the others hunt the bigger bugs while their forces are being built up.
Finally the plan is to update this as i go with the building and painting as well as any games that they get to play.
Here's to an awesome tale for all those involved.