Sunday 2 September 2012

A plan for Month 2.....

.....after some gratuitous pictures of how far I got in month one, this time with the use of a better camera and photographer.

The Tyranid Horde - Its a small horde granted

Termagants - They are swarming to get you (as long as your not looking they might be a threat)

Tyranid Warriors - We are in charge! Lovely models to paint and for their look but time consuming first time around

I fully finished one!! - All highlighting and base fully done so this is what they will look like (base will be cleaned up but has been left to annoy tank boy so far)

Would've liked to have finished it all but has been a good start and August (and September) were always going to be busy for real life.

Aims for month two

Blitza-bommer - I know that this isn't Tyranids or can ally but I am going to a 1500 point tournament on September 15th/16th and the combination of new cool plane and not having used Orks in a while was too much

10 Hormagaunts - The third part of the battle force and so these little critters need painting as well as finishing off the stuff from month 1

Battle Report - I want to put up one of the games as our fellow bloggers on Hammertime have done quite a few and they look cool.

Name those bugs - I am planning on using Hive Fleet Tiamat for there name. Will see how it feels for a month

1 comment:

  1. Well I have to say that the photos are absolutely amazing ;)
