Friday, 28 September 2012

Month Two

So the month of September is now over and so here is how everyone has got on against the categories set out

Played a game
Built months purchases
Painted unit 1
Painted unit 2
Base all purchases


Oddsock Keith


So after this it means the scores from the fist month are as follows

Philip - 1 Point                2 Total

Wiggy - 4 Points             7 Total

Oddsock Keith - 0 Point   1 Total

Enza - 5 Points (Enza is amended to 4 points for last month on the basis of as was said, not getting the basing done last month)    9 Total

Well done to Enza for max points, well done to everyone for getting on the board and here's to more hobby.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Battle report Two - 3 players

Wednesday September 12th - 600 points - Tyranids (Wiggy) vs Black Consuls (SM - Phil) and Tau (D)

So here goes with the another battle report from the 'Tale of a Few.' We had decided to play the 'Battle Recon' mission from near the end of the main rulebook again as it is a nice straight forward mission for the smaller points value. I'm writing this way too long after the game so apologies for the lack of detail

The table was set up as shown

The Army

Black Consul - Codex Space Marines
Pedro Kantor
5 Sternguard - 2 combi-melta
10 Tactical Marines - Power sword, Flamer, Missile Launcher (one squad)

Commander - Plasma, cyclic and multi tracker
10 Fire warriors

Tyranid Prime - Pair Boneswords, Scything Talons, Toxin Sacs
3 Tyranid Warriors - Scything Talons, Rending Claws
10 Termagants
10 Termagants
13 Hormagaunts - Toxin Sacs
6 Raveners - Rending claws

The armies were set up as shown. The Marine/Tau alliance set up first, the Tyranids then positioned as best they could with the Raveners in reserve as I wanted to threaten hi back field quickly. The Warlord traits rolled up gave the alliance something that wasn't used (can't think it) where as I rolled up conquer of cities which gave me stealth in ruins and move through cover in ruins too....very good for this game.

Turn 1
Tactical squad advanced towards wood, Kantor to the building and the Commander followed them. Fire Warriors hung back near the hill and as nothing was in range everything ran forwards a bit.
The Tyranid turn was equally easy as they all advanced forward towards the building nearest to them apart from a Gaunt group going upwards.

 Nothing - VP 0-0

Turn 2
Marines advance into the woods and roll it up as a 3+ cover save. Kantor and the Commander hug the building as they advance. The tactical squad open fire on the Warriors but cover saves keep them from being wounded. The Fire Warriors open up on the 'gaunts nearest them but again cover stops them. Tired of all these cover saves the Sternguard make use of the dragon fire shells to kill 3 Hormagaunts.
The unpainted Termagaunts hold the objective in the building nearest to them and the rest of the force advances, no Raveners show up.

Two objectives each- VP 4-4

Turn 3
Tactical advance to the front edge of the wood. Kantor holds ground to call down his orbital strike causing 2 wounds on the Warriors in the ruins, followed by 2 more wounds from the Tau commander. Fire Warriors open up on the Hormagaunts and focus on those in the open managing to kill 7 of them.
The Raveners appear and advance into the ruins near Kantor with the Hormagaunts jumping up behind them. The rest of the force advances.
Raveners kill 3 stergaurd through shooting but the Tyranid Warriors fail a huge 10 inch charge.

One objective alliance, Two objectives Tyranids- VP 2-4

Turn 4
Fire Warriors advance to try and bring themselves into rapid fire range, Sternguard only manage to stumble an inch towards the Raveners. The tactical squad open up on the Tyranid Warriors who go to ground and only suffer one wound (I've since found out that as Synapse creatures Warriors are fearless and therefore can't go to ground) The Fire warriors concentrate on the Raveners inflicting 4 wounds another wound is added from the commander but but rolls mean that no more are caused by the sternguard who were hoping to charge.
Raveners advance with the Hormagaunts, with the termagants closing range too. The Raveners leap onto the sternguard and kill the 2 remaining guys but loose 2 of their number to a wounded Kantor and are unfortunately out of synapse range so flee. The few hormagaunts charge the Fire Warriors and lose a couple on the way in to overwatch but win a much closer than expected combat and run down the survivors.

One objective alliance, Two objectives Tyranids- VP 2-4

The game stopped at this point due to time.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

This month's achievement

Here they are....Commander and Stealth Suit Team (well two stealth suit teams)

I went for two small things to do so that I could actually achieve this whilst also getting ready for the I best get back to doing that!!!

Photos aren't the best - I changed phones since my last post and it really is rubbish.  Never mind, maybe Wiggy will finally have some decent pictures now ;)


Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Excuses, excuses

Yes I've got loads as my friends will attest to. This time it's the wedding.

However, I've got my build and purchase points and played a game. Not sure if I'll find time to paint. Lots of printing, cutting, and gluing to do for the big day. Can that count? Don't think so.

The game was Tyranids vs Space Marines allied with Tau. We only managed to get to the end of turn four, but I can say I think Phil and I were losing. My love will post a battle report soon with my fabulous (or not) photos.

- Enza -

P.S. Naughty enjoyed the game too.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Battle Report - Black Consuls Vs Tyranids

Wednesday September 5th - 500 points - Tyranids (Wiggy) vs Black Consuls (SM - Phil)

So here goes with the first 'proper' battle report from the 'Tale of a Few.' We had decided to play the 'Battle Recon' mission from near the end of the main rulebook as it suggests the ideal size is 500 points and I thought it would be good rather than playing one of the full blown scenarios. I wanted to use a Tyranid Prime but was yet to convert one, so Phil thankfully was ok we me use an Ork Warboss as a proxy also due to Phil's busy August his Black Consuls looked suspiciously like my Imperial Fists...shhh, don't tell anyone.

The table was set up as shown

The Army

Black Consul - Codex Space Marines
Pedro Kantor
5 Sternguard - 2 combi-melta
10 Tactical Marines - Power axe, Flamer, Missile Launcher (Split into 2 combat squads, missile in one Vet Sergeant and flamer in the other.)

Tyranid Prime - Pair Boneswords, Scything Talons, Toxin Sacs
3 Tyranid Warriors - Scything Talons, Rending Claws
10 Termagants
10 Termagants
13 Hormagaunts
3 Raveners - Rending claws

Phil won the roll for table corner and set up from the top left corner with the missile squad advanced onto the table and the flamer squad ready to advance round the small black building towards the wood. Kantor deployed with the Sternguard ready to take the objective placed in the small black building as his warlord trait also gave him and his unit 'Feel no Pain' while holding an objective.
I deployed in the opposite corner with the Raveners pointed towards the woods, Hormagaunts centered between the Termagants and Synapse web behind. The Prime got Move through cover for himself and all within 12" which helped him, warriors and 'Gants. No seizing of the initiative so with a handshake the game was on.

Turn 1
The marines advance with the missile squad going past the building and flamer squad split the other way, with Kantor reaching his objective. There was no marine shooting as everyone ran.
The Tyranids all run forwards at top speed and end up positioned in the picture below.

Marines hold 1 objective - VP 2-0

Turn 2
The flamer squad advance nearer the 'Nids and kill 2 hormagaunts with bolt guns. The Sternguard are slowed by difficult terrain while going into the building and use their Kraken rounds for extra range but don't manage to kill any more Hormaguants. The Missle launcher misses with its Krak missile but a bolt gun causes a wound on the Raveners.
For the Tyranids more running (or slithering) was the order of the day with the troops all moving up as seen in the picture below.

As the Raveners advanced into the wood it turns out to be a carnivorous jungle and the Raveners suffer 2 wounds from the hungry trees.

Marines hold 1 objective, Tyranid 2 - VP 2-4

Turn 3
The flamer squad advance to bring themselves into rapid fire range but through the magic of Phil dice rolling only a single Hormagaunt is killed despite being in the open.
 Phil and his amazing ones

Kantor decides to use his orbital strike to target the Warriors and Termagants holding rear objective but it scatters too far and the Kraken rounds again fail to do any damage. The Missile combat squad opens up on the now very nearby Raveners and causes 2 wounds with boltguns but a tree saves a Ravener from instant death.
The Tyranids are now ready to assualt and the little guys jump on the flamer squad, taking no wounds from overwatch on the way in. 

They Hormagaunts striking first with 33 attacks manage to kill a single marine through some bad 'to wound' rolls and I feel a little nervous but striking at the same time the Termagants pull down another 2 for the loss of 2 Termagants in return. The marines hold from the attack.
The Raveners get overwatched by boltguns of doom! and one is killed on the way in, Leaving 2 Raveners each with a single wound to fight. They kill 2 marines on the charge and one dies in return leaving a lone Ravener to fight 3 marines. We realised in this turn that Kantors attack boost is permanent and so both combat squads were kicking out twice the attacks I thought they would be.

Marines hold 1 objective, Tyranid 1 - VP 2-2

Turn 4
Kantor and the Sternguard advance but being still in cover and feeling decidedly like the dice hate him, Phil decides to shoot the Warriors in the wood rather than assualt the little guys. He manages to kill a warrior outright and wound another as the Kraken rounds and Kantors weapon ignore the saves so I have to rely on trees. The little guys manage to kill neither the flamer or the Vet Serg and loose 2 Hormagaunts in return but remain fearless due to the synapse web. While the Ravener and missile squad slap each other rather tan use real weapons so cause no damage.

In the Tyranids turn the Warriors and Prime are close enough to launch an assault on the combat squad and kill them very handily, bone swords on a strength 5 model with re-roll to wound is mean! The little bugs do what little bugs do best and that is to die but stay around due to synapse.

Marines hold 1 objective, Tyranid 2 and first blood - VP 2-5 

Turn 5
Not much left to move with now but 300 points of Marine bad ass now makes it into the fight and manage to wipe out the 9 Hormagaunts and reduce the Termagants down to 4. Thankfully being in synapse range they don't care and nicely hold them up for.......
The charging big bugs. The Ravener takes down the Vet Serg and the Tyranid Prime kills 3 Sternguard. The Warriors cause a wound on Kantor but both remaining ones are then splatted by the power fist.

Tyranid 1 objective and first blood - VP 0-3  

Turn 6
In the last turn there is just the single combat to resolve, Kantor manages to wound the Tyranid Prime before falling to the second batch of attacks (completely forgot the bonesword test for instant killing first time around) and the Ravener kills the last of the Sternguard. Wipe out

So the bugs have had their first game and the following things stick in my head.

  • The little bugs being fearless is awesome for holding stuff up to be pounced on. Will like getting either Gargoyles or infiltrating Genestealers to tie stuff up faster.
  • The Prime kills basic troops phenomenally well. Will be more aggressive next time.
  • The beast ability to ignore cover when moving through makes Raveners a very fast threat
Thanks for the game Phil, hope to see some of your thoughts and/or comments in the replies

Sunday, 2 September 2012

A plan for Month 2.....

.....after some gratuitous pictures of how far I got in month one, this time with the use of a better camera and photographer.

The Tyranid Horde - Its a small horde granted

Termagants - They are swarming to get you (as long as your not looking they might be a threat)

Tyranid Warriors - We are in charge! Lovely models to paint and for their look but time consuming first time around

I fully finished one!! - All highlighting and base fully done so this is what they will look like (base will be cleaned up but has been left to annoy tank boy so far)

Would've liked to have finished it all but has been a good start and August (and September) were always going to be busy for real life.

Aims for month two

Blitza-bommer - I know that this isn't Tyranids or can ally but I am going to a 1500 point tournament on September 15th/16th and the combination of new cool plane and not having used Orks in a while was too much

10 Hormagaunts - The third part of the battle force and so these little critters need painting as well as finishing off the stuff from month 1

Battle Report - I want to put up one of the games as our fellow bloggers on Hammertime have done quite a few and they look cool.

Name those bugs - I am planning on using Hive Fleet Tiamat for there name. Will see how it feels for a month

Month One results

So the month of August is now over and so here is how everyone has got on against the categories set out

Played a game
Built months purchases
Painted unit 1
Painted unit 2
Base all purchases


Oddsock Keith


So after this it means the scores from the fist month are as follows

Philip - 1 Point

Wiggy - 3 Points

Oddsock Keith - 1 Point

Enza - 5 Points

Well done to Enza for max points, well done to everyone for getting on the board and here's to more hobby.