Dear Diary
So I return with the newly formed Black Consuls from what I feel was a successful first campaign, we have fought 6 mighty battles and by The Emperor we fought well
We were not a big army, we needed some help and such mighty help we got - Chapter Master Wiggy of the Imperial Fists agreed to team up with my Black Consuls in order to put right to the galaxy as best we could.
The first battle, I don't remember much, I don't think Wiggy knows either, it must have been an epic fight cos we both woke up a bit concussed and all our missile launcher Marines both said something about Vendettas and Marbo turning up - we got hit hard!
Seondly we ran into some Marines and Space Wolves who were under the command of the famous Oakley and Whittacker for a bit of War Games practice, came up a bit of a cropper for that one but I know some Terminators got shot in the face before we left the pitch, so not all bad there! Jolly good scrap if I ever had one, helmet off to the pair of them, excellent fellows.
The 3rd battle saw us matched against Tyranids and Necrons - all the Tyranids had this strange H on their foreheads and the Necrons kept shouting the name Kev at us - we had objectives to claim for the Emperor and that we did despite a viscious battle that saw both sides fight very well indeed
4th Battle saw us up against some Sisters of Battle who had taken great umbrage at our being there and being male and some Grey Knights who are the sort of Grey Knights who will fight anyone they suspect of even the slightest of heresies. That was a very tough fight, 2 Storm Ravens made a mess of the army and we left the pitch confident we'd had a good scrap but lost it nonetheless.
5th Battle saw us up against Imperial Guard again, they had obviously gone mad as they had teamed up with servants of Chaos - I mean really, Imperials turning to the Chaos side? Ha! Next thing you know they will be riding around on horses with the Necrons! This was one of the toughest and closely fought battles of the whole lot with the battle swinging from side to side as to who was going to win. I swear if I see Marbo and that damned handbag of his again, there will be trouble - I shot him in the face twice for his arrogance after he'd blown up some of my Sternguard! We won the day and walked away with our objectives - Tellion was rather proud, he'd found some excellent cover and nobody was able to land a shot upon him
6th Battle, those Tyrannids and Necrons turned up again out of the blue - Chapter Master Wiggy and I suddenly found the Will of The Emperor with us that day for we slaughtered them all! All day I'd firmly believed Orks had been messing about with my orbital strikes as they had missed every single time, but it was not the case this battle and we massacred them all - it was a well fought battle, whoever these characters of H and Kev are, they certainly fought as valiantly as they could, Wiggy and I just were having a good day!
So, thank you to Wiggy, you taught me things that will aid my army's growth and survivability - here's to the Emperor!
And the destruction of every filthy Ork!!
Kantor out